
Bemutató - Hajadonok • Duna Táncműhely

Bemutató - Hajadonok • Duna Táncműhely

We can see four young girls on stage. Sometimes simultaneously, sometimes alternately. Sometimes they pass the "baton" to each other. With music, singing, dancing, movements. Sometimes they encourage, sometimes they dominate each other. Sometimes they get closer and sometimes they move away, but they always yearn: for a connection, a man, or even for separation, independence.  more

Nincs aktuális előadás

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Last event date: Friday, December 15 2023 7:30PM

 In 2024, the Duna Dance Workshop is once again going to present a new performance directed by the company's artistic director, and this time again the production will be born through the collective creative process of contributors from different artistic fields.

Zsolt Juhász strongly relied on relativising the role of female dance forms and choreographies subordinated to male dance in the authentic folk dance of Hungary (and several other nations) already in his performance The tenth bride in 2021. The seven female actors portray seven different characters, their individuality shape the choreographies and vice versa.

The choreographer wants to continue this path with his new play titled Singles – but the focus of the performance is on the feminine principle itself instead of the initiation rite and the girl becoming a woman. The number of performers refers to the number of seasons and cardinal points and, through this, to the close relationship between women and nature.

At the same time, the four female actors come from different artistic fields, dance, folk music, jazz and prose performance, so, in fact, the Duna Dance Workshop is preparing for its strongest multidisciplinary performance to date.


Performed by Izabella Caussanel, Anita Kovács, Lilla Orbay, Anita Vrencsán 

Music: Ephemere - Izabella Caussanel, Lilla Orbay, Lajos Papp, Ötödik Évszak, Claude Debussy Text: Dorota Masłowska, Magda Szabó 

Dramaturgy: Anita Németh 

Visuals: JuZso

Light: Károly Lendvai 

Assistant to Director: Ifj. Sándor “Sündi” Csoóri

Production Manager: Fanni Nánay 

Choreographed and directed by Zsolt Juhász 

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