
“The Essence of Art...” - Sivasakti Kalánanda Dance Theatre

“The Essence of Art...” - Sivasakti Kalánanda Dance Theatre

Amrita Sher Gil, of Hungarian-Indian origin, was one of the most enigmatic and tragic artists of the first half of the 20th century. In the few active years she was given, she became one of the most important figures in contemporary Indian painting.  more

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, July 14 2024 8:30PM

The dance piece brings her paintings to life. The performance focuses on the artist behind the paintings – a Hungarian-Indian woman struggling with ambivalent situations and feelings, and with the preconceptions of her environment.

She lived and painted in the triangle of India, Hungary and France.

Her painting is a fusion of Indian and European art. In her short life full of secrets and tragedies, Amrita created powerful works that introduced European art to India and defined the image of India in universal art, by creating a link between Indian and Western art.


Performed by Kincső Pethő, Antónia Zboray, Anikó Major, Lilla Péri, Panni Somi, Túri Virág, Tünde Vass, Krisztina Kunvári, Leat Leblanc Mihaela

Music: Szabolcs Tóth, István Lerch, Balázs Virágh
Graphics, video: Gergely Turáni, Melinda Sóvári, Judit Szántó, Fabien Leblanc
Costume: Etelka Csekő
Directed and choreographed by Panni Somi

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