
Pinocchio - Budapest Dance Theatre

Pinocchio - Budapest Dance Theatre

An eternal tale told by a great entertainer.  more

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Last event date: Sunday, February 18 2024 11:00AM

With his skilful hands, Master Geppetto carves a small wooden puppet from the log found in front of his house and names him Pinocchio. He sees in him the son he always wanted. To the master's astonishment, the little puppet comes to life. This is how a whole series of adventures begins...

Performed by Budapest Dance Theatre dancers


Music: montázs

Set and Costume : Zsuzsa Molnár

Lighting: Béla Földi 

Narrator: Zoltán Boros 

Choreographed by János Lakatos 

Directed by Béla Földi 



Our offer

Rhapsody as a genre is characterized by caprice and the passionate undulation of emotion, thoughts, and the freedom of expression. Hungarian Rhapsody incorporates all of the peculiarities of thegenre, relying on tradition, and drawing inspiration from it, to create a special and unique dance rhapsody.

Hinta, hinta, tündérhinta, repül, szárnyal a magasba… Ha az ember hintába ül, rokon lesz a madarakkal, szivárványszín pillangókkal, kitágul a láthatára, a lentet a fent leváltja. Aztán újra ringat a hinta, fel – le – fel -le, ahogy egykor anya karja. Félelmek és szorongások huss eltűnnek, elrepülnek. A tündérhinták táncosokkal nagyon egy húron pendülnek.

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