HA DÔ (Wave Motion) Yvette Bozsik Company
Tadashi Endo is presenting his work HA DÔ - Wave Motion, after Brazil and Germany, in Hungary, performed by the Yvette Bozsik Company, itself celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Tadashi Endo is presenting his work HA DÔ - Wave Motion, after Brazil and Germany, in Hungary, performed by the Yvette Bozsik Company, itself celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Tuesday, May 16 2023 7:00PM
(Wave Motion)
Yvette Bozsik Company
“Bathing my torn and wrinkled self
In its former credos
Gathering piece by piece
From blood, flames and woes
Stashed away, a living dead.
Loyal witness of Yesterday
And my own tributes may be needed,
To help me lift my face
In dear tribute
To a new world filled with new men.”
(excerpt from Seed Under Snow byEndre Ady)
Tadashi Endo, living and working in Göttingen, Germany, is one of the greatest butoh dancers and choreographers living today, trained by the iconic founders of butoh dance, Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno. He has been the head of the MAMU butoh centre in Göttingen for 25 years.
Tadashi Endo is presenting his work HA DÔ - Wave Motion, after Brazil and Germany, in Hungary, performed by the Yvette Bozsik Company, itself celebrating its 25th anniversary. The joint premier is the result of three years of collaboration between Tadashi Endo and the Yvette Bozsik Company, which was preceded by several intensive butoh workshops in Budapest.
The performance serves as a memento to the all-time victims of wars.
“Where can people find a true home?
Perhaps where they can find love and safety?
Could this be the reason for the wandering
throughout our lives incessantly?”
Tadashi Endo
Performed by
Dóra Hasznos
Zsófia Hegedűs
Brigitta Hortobágyi
Samantha Kettle
Alíz Krausz
Anna Bujdosó
Tímea Fülöp
Tímea Sebestyén
Zsófia Széki
Szabolcs Gombai
Ábel Indrei
Dániel Krizsán
Tamás Vati
Ádám Zambrzycki
and Endo Tadashi
Lighting Design: József Pető
Visual Design: Tamás Vati
Costumes: Nikoletta Bati
Music: Daniel Maia
Creative Producer: Marcell Iványi
Assistant: Gyöngyvér Joó
Choreography: Tadashi Endo
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