
Our offer

Two guys and a woman have just returned fromthe future, from planet 142, just to revive the old days: disco, partying, flirting, success. They want to get back in action again. Two ridiculous fools and a cool woman who keep rolling on the floor of a narrow room in the fog made with a borrowed smoke machine, thinking that this is the stage leading to fame.

The CUBAN ECLECTICO programme showcases a cross-section dance and the Cuban way of life.

Gyermektáncházba várjuk az érdeklődőket a Nemzeti Táncszínházban vasárnaponként 10.00-tól 12-ig. A programban moldvai és gyimesi népzene és néptáncok, énekes népi játékok, népmesék, a legkisebbek számára ölbeli játékok. Az esztendő menetét mondókákkal, a népszokások megelevenítésével követjük.

Inspired by the songs of Kossuth and Jászai Mari Prize winner Judit Halász, the performance of the Central Europe Dance Theatre company is aimed at preschoolers and young school children.

Our new performance is based on Lois Lowry’s novel The Giver, set in a society which at first appears to be utopian, where everything seems to be going perfectly well. Free of injustice, crime, violence and hunger, this is a society where people can live in harmony.

In its new show, the Noémi Kulcsár Tellabor company tries to formulate the questions posed in Henrik Ibsen’s drama, also known as ‘Nora’, in the language of dance, while trying to answer some of its own questions.

‘Concordia’ by Forte Company and Dador Project Band is a choreography based on music by classical composers from the Baroque period, such as Francesco Cavalli, Tarquinio Merula, Claudio Monteverdi and Giovanni Battista Fontana. Accompanied by a live orchestra and a singer, the dance performance consists of grotesque and lyrical duets set to 12 pieces of music. It combines dance, live music and prose with passionate dialogues from Jean Anouilh’s play ‘Eurydice'.

A Ringató foglalkozásokon megismertetjük a kisgyermekes családokkal a zenei nevelés lehetőségeit. Célunk, hogy a szülők és a gyerekek átéljék a közös éneklés és játék élményét. Várunk mindenkit, aki maga is úgy érzi, fontos az, hogy a művészet eszközeivel neveljünk, aki szívesen énekel, bővíti a dalkincsét, vagy éppen önmaga bátortalan az éneklésben.

Susanna Leinonen Company's works are known for their extremely skilled and demanding movement.

Humanity has grown too distant from its original,natural environment. While we yearn for a more harmonious existence, we are surrounded by more and more chaos every day, making it increasingly difficult to find our way around and live a healthy life.

Sokan úgy tartják, a jó művészet felforgató –néha azonban talán túlságosan is az. Felzúdulás a premieren, közelharc a zsöllyében, illetlenkedők a páholyban, szócsata a másnapi lapokban – ezen az estén a zene- és tánctörténet legbotrányosabb ügyeinek járunk utána.

Humanity has grown too distant from its original, natural environment. While we yearn for a more harmonious existence, we are surrounded by more and more chaos every day, making it increasingly difficult to find our way around and live a healthy life.

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