
Winter’s Tale - Kulcsár Noémi Tellabor

Winter’s Tale - Kulcsár Noémi Tellabor

Noémi Kulcsár's favourite author is Shakespeare, whose dramas have already produced several Tellabor performances. After Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, The Tempest, which has been staged with great success since 2021, and As you like it, performed together with GG Tánc Eger, the Harangozó Award-winning choreographer has adapted this time a particularly challenging…  more

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, January 21 2024 7:30PM

The sharp emotions between the clashing characters, the sometimes unresolvable conflicts between husbands, wives, fathers and children as well as the figure of Hermione changing back from the statue, whose story is about the thawing and reconciliation of a frozen heart will be key in the new Tellabor performance.

“To say 'not guilty:'

mine integrity Being counted falsehood,

shall, as I express it,

Be so received. But thus: if powers divine

Behold our human actions, as they do,

I doubt not then but innocence shall make

False accusation blush and tyranny

Tremble at patience.”

(Shakespeare: Winter’s Tale, excerpt)


Performed by Fanni Cvikli, András Engelmann, Marcell Hován, Karina Pintér 

Visuals: Noémi Kulcsár 

Dramaturgy: Dávid Cseh 

Choreographed by Noémi Kulcsár, Gyula Harangozó Award


Supported by Magyar Művészeti Akadémia, Nemzeti Kulturális Támogatáskezelő, Nemzeti Kulturális Alap

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