
Hungarian Rhapsody - Hungarian State Folk Ensemble – Hungarian Heritage House

Hungarian Rhapsody - Hungarian State Folk Ensemble – Hungarian Heritage House

Rhapsody as a genre is characterized by caprice and the passionate undulation of emotion, thoughts, and the freedom of expression. Hungarian Rhapsody incorporates all of the peculiarities of thegenre, relying on tradition, and drawing inspiration from it, to create a special and unique dance rhapsody.  more

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, November 16 2024 7:00PM

The colorful diversity of the Hungarian peasant traditions appear in dynamically alternating images – the acrobatics of the male dances, the poetry of the female dances, and the virtuosity of the couples’ dances. The most beautiful melodies of folk culture surface at times as dance accompaniments, or as whimsical solos, and at other times as tempestuous orchestral play.

Froma musical point of view, in addition to the older layers of Hungarian folk music, Hungarian Rhapsody also devotesspace to csárdás and verbunkos music rooted in the 19thcentury. This very distinctive and unmistakable new genre, whose origins and aftertimes played back and forth between folk music and classical music, influenced both Hungarian and non-Hungarian culture as well: creators such as Brahms, Berlioz and Franz Liszt.

What makes the performance unique, among other things, is that it balances between "spectacle" and "intellect" with good sensibilities. Its movements of dynamic, monumental, lyrical, and gloomy tones are melded into an organic unit with the music and the visuals, coupled with consistently changing space drawings. Following the best examples of the genre, the choreographies are arrayed before us with great mood changes. The themes of the dance scenes are provided by the folklore of the Carpathian Basin, which the creators have selected and condensed, and to the specific scenes of which they have rendered added thought and emotional content, in accordance with the ruthless rules of the theater.

Performed by  the Hungarian State Folk Dance Ensemble and Orchestra

Solists: Júlia Kubinyi / Eszter Pál, Milán Hetényi  


Music: Attila Gera, Ágnes Herczku, Milán Hetényi, Tamás Nyitrai, István Szalonna Pál, Feenc Sebő, Ferenc Zimber 

Composers: László Kelemen, István Szalonna Pál, Ferenc Sebő

Choreographers: György Ágfalvi, Péter Darabos, Máté Farkas, Dezső Fitos,  Klára Hetényi –Kulcsár, Enikő Kocsis, Gábor Mihályi, Tamás Szappanos

Costumes Designer: EDit Szűcs 

Visual Designer: György Árvai 

Light: Ákos Gimpel 

Director-Choreographer: Gábor Mihályi


Music Director: Gyula Karacs 

Band Director: Ferenc Radics

Dance Ensemble Leader: György Ágfalvi 

Dance Ensemble Assistants: Beatrix Borbély, Péter Darabos, Klára Hetényi-Kulcsár,  Katalin Jávor, Máté Farkas

Artistic Director: István Szalonna Pál

Company Manager: Gábor Mihály



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