
Mother Holle -  Budapest Dance Theatre

Mother Holle - Budapest Dance Theatre

Once upon a time, there was a widow who had two daughters.  more

Current events

One of them was beautiful and industrious, and the other ugly and idle. The widow was much fonder of the ugly and idle daughter, because she was her own daughter. The stepdaughter had to do all the work, she was a veritable Cinderella. She spent all her days sitting by the well, spinning and spinning until her fingers startedto bleed.” A tale by the Brothers Grimm about virtues and justice, expressed in the language of artistic dance.

Performed by

Mother Holle - Marika Masuda

Narrator- Donát Varga 

Hardworking Girl- Maria José Borges

Lazy Girl- Alexandra Sághy 

Wicked Stepmother - Yvette Levine

Apples, breads -  Budapest Dance Theatre dancers


Narrator's voice: Zoltán Boros 


Music: Edvard Grieg: Peer Gynt

Sets and costumes: Zsuzsa Molnár 

Lighting: Béla Földi


Choreographed by Béla Földi


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