
ESSENCE - János Feledi-Feledi Project-Dezső Oláh Trio

ESSENCE - János Feledi-Feledi Project-Dezső Oláh Trio

"Life is an essential expression of the nature of our universe." (Jostein Gaarder)

Nincs aktuális előadás

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Last event date: Monday, July 15 2024 8:30PM

An exceptional encounter of feelings and emotions. Naturalness and purity, because Bartók understood pure source as ancient, untouched folk music, and he considered this to be of paramount value. The performance focuses on protecting and appreciating the beauty of our environment, our soul and our inner selves. We can follow the constant formation, rearrangement and development of the human group and community formed by the dancers.

Through this performance, we would like to present Bartók's spirituality through some typical folk music collections, especially the relationship between music and dance. The performance takes a partly traditional and partly experimental approach, with the music of Bartók’s 15 peasant songs adapted to percussion, double bass and piano and presented by the Dezső Oláh Trio.
I would like to give the audience a new approach to learning about the fusion of modern jazz and modern dance, in a form where the compositions reflect on the works made from Bartók's folk music collections. For this common trip we use the folk song treasure collected to create Béla Bartók's work entitled 15 Peasant Songs, such as I Tie My Horse, The flower I got from my rose,The wheat must ripen or Blue forget-me-not on my shoulder.
A tribute to Béla Bartók, a major musical figure of the 20th century.

Prose, Song: Erika Náray

Music: Dezső Oláh - piano, Péter Oláh - bass, András Pecek Lakatos - drum, Richárd Szaniszló -vibrafon
Set and Coustumes: Gábor Matisz, János Feledi
Light Designer: Miklós Hepkó

Directed and Choreographed by János Feledi

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