
Csárdás in The Storm

Csárdás in The Storm

Yet another female-male/male-female duo, once again andendlessly ... and here is the Csárdás in the storm, a former coup defoudre, when the sky fell, everything turned black and only the lightning strikes illuminated the rocky landscape…  more

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Last event date: Saturday, December 09 2023 7:30PM

Everybody was escaping but they were standing in the raging storm and did not know yet but already felt that they were lost, that everything that was existing would be lost, would collapse and it was not known what would come, but there was no escaping, the lightning, that coupde foudre came down … well, this way, for example.

Several duos have already been created in the dance company’s life (Cult, Co-Ax, Coda, In Sol – In Luna), which examined inevitably (and self-admittedly) various aspects of the relationship between the two genders, from interdependence to exposure, from sub-/superordination to complementary harmony, from love to indifference, from inaccessible desire to the ennui of accomplishment. The Csárdás in The Storm is a synthesis of all these, a paradox of poles that repulse and attract each other and that cannot exist without each other.

Of course, this csárdás can also be a metaphor of our existence in Central Europe, lingering, tossing and turning, stumbling and kicking, losing heart and losing hope, regaining strength and waiting for miracles in the Carpathian Basin. And maybe that storm, tempest and hail do not only rage inside us?

Performed by Anita Gera, Gerzson Péter Kovács
Music: Miklós Lukács (cymbalo), Jeromos Kovács (elektronics)
Choreography and visuals by Kovács Gerzson Péter

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