CARMEN EST • Székesfehérvári Balett Színház
Ravel’s music glows red and erupts like a pulsating volcano. BOLERO is a musical ‘orgasm’ with a spectacular arc that reaches its climax pulsating with ever-increasing tempo and dynamics.
Ravel’s music glows red and erupts like a pulsating volcano. BOLERO is a musical ‘orgasm’ with a spectacular arc that reaches its climax pulsating with ever-increasing tempo and dynamics.
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Last event date: Tuesday, December 19 2023 7:00PM
Ravel’s music glows red and erupts like a pulsating volcano. BOLERO is a musical ‘orgasm’ with a spectacular arc that reaches its climax pulsating with ever-increasing tempo and dynamics.
The French title of our ballet: Rouge. Red. Red lipstick. A symbol of femininity. Libido, Blood, Woman and Man, Life and Death.
The invisible made visible.
This ballet is an elemental expression of music.
This ballet performance focuses on basic human emotions such as love, jealousy, desire, seduction, as well as dominance arising between a man and a woman.
When creating the dance drama my goal was by no means to illustrate the eternal story of Carmen and Don José but to create a new quality by uniting music, dance and scenography (stage setting, costume, scenery, and lighting) through presenting the music peace composed from Bizet’s opera into a dance suite written by Rodion Schedrin.
I have created the piece to be a story that can be experienced, felt and understood at the same time.
Humour, irony and sarcasm are essential dramaturgical devices that I consider important and are noticeably present throughout the ballet.
Performed by Cristina Porres Mormeneo, Chiara Malavasi, Noemi Gregnanin, Jelle-Johannes Hendrix, Gabriele Tamolli, Francesco Vitale Farris
Directed and choreographed by Attila Egerházi
Music: M. Ravel- Bolero
Set and Light design: Attila Egerházi
Costumes design: Andrea T. Haamer
Set implementation: Szelei Mónika
Rehearsal Ballet Masters: Cristina Porres Mormeneo
Carmen: Cristina Porres Mormeneo / Chiara Malavasi
Don José: Gabriele Tamolli / Jelle-Johannes Hendrix
Michaela: Michela Piccinini / Carlota Izquierdo Gil
Torreádor: Francesco Vitale Farris
Captain Zuniga: Jelle-Johannes Hendrix / Gabriele Tamolli
Tobacco factory workers: Chiara Malavasi / Cristina Porres Mormeneo, Tae Sone, Noemi Gregnanin, Céleste Icket, Nina Sninská
Soldiers: Gijs Stenger, Juan Esteban Serna Espinosa, Julián Rico Engel
Choreographer: Attila Egerházi
Music: Rodion Shchedrin (Bizet nyomán)
Rehearsal Ballet Masters, Assistant to Choreographer: Cristina Porres Mormeneo
Costumes design: Andrea T. Hammer, Dusana Heráková
Light design: Attila Egerházi
Set Designer: György Árvai
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