
Scenes from a Marriage - Szeged Contemporary Dance Company

Scenes from a Marriage - Szeged Contemporary Dance Company

Ever since God gave Adam a companion, fashioned from his rib, in Paradise, the order of the world has been that no one should live alone. Its modality has taken dozens of shades over the millennia since then: cohabitation, bigamy, polygamy, polyandry, all the way until we come to the most familiar form today.  more

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However, no matter how close you get to someone, it is not always easy to be with them day after day. Sometimes the covenant of a couple stands the test of time and lasts as the original vow said, “till death do us part”. However, sometimes it is shattered on the wedding night by a misplaced toothpaste or an unacknowledged snore. Socrates goes so far as to declare, “A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.” All joking aside, being married is a wonderful relationship game that touches every aspect of our lives and affects the very foundations of our happiness. It is a journey full of surprises and contradictions, which can lead to disappointment and pain in the wrong cases—but which is a mission of wonder and fulfilment. 

An eternal dance, mutual magic, the creation of each other.

Showing the complexity and colours of married life on stage, in dance, provides an opportunity for many humorous and dramatic moments. 


Performed by
Miriam Munno, Diletta Savini, Lotár Vincze, Gergely Czár, Róbert Kiss, Csongor Füzesi, Francesco Totaro, Diletta Ranuzzi, Letizia Melchiorre, Adrienn Nyeste, Giordana Marzocchi, Chiara Gionti, Málna Csató, Boglárka Rudisch

Music: Dávid Mester
Costumes: Bianca Imelda Jeremias
Set, scenery: Kázmér Tóth
Set design: Scabello
Lighting: Dániel Szabó
Co-choreographer: Gergely Czár
Choreographed by Tamás Juronics

Company Director: András Echéry- Pataki
Artistic Director: Tamás Juronics

The performance will be followed by an audience meeting.


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