
Budapest premiere - Eve & Adam - Ballet Company of Győr - Ballet Company of Győr

Budapest premiere - Eve & Adam - Ballet Company of Győr - Ballet Company of Győr

What do people really want? The answer is difficult, since we are constantly searching for a way out of a perfect world, the way back to Eden after our exile. The Eve & Adam performance addresses this universal question through the language of movement and the artistic representation of two young choreographers.

Current events

Act I: Eve

How can we yearn for anything if everything is optimal and complete in a world that has been created to be perfect? The only thing that can keep our world perfect is to not let our curiosity drive us off course. Can we achieve fulfilment without what is “bad”?

Can we live without this desire?

Act II: Adam

In the play, Adam and Eve search for a way back to the unity of Eden in today’s society, which has been divided and separated since the Fall. Their isolation has created in them a one-sidedness that breeds mistakes. However, the memory of Eden rekindles the flame within them, even though it is seemingly impossible to make any changes to society. Can they find their way back to where they would be whole: to themselves, to each other?


Act I: Eve
Choreographer: Krisztina Szőllősi
Dramaturge: Alexandra Csepi
Projection: Dorottya Szonja Koltay
Assistant: Judit Szalai
Costume Designer: Kata Szegedi
Lighting Designer: Lóránt Kiss
Featuring the dancers of the Ballet Company of Győr

Act II: Adam
Choreography, costumes, set design, lighting: Tamás Darai
Composer: Thomas Walschott
Assistant: Levente Bajári
Featuring the dancers of the Ballet Company of Győr

The production is supported by the National Dance Theatre, the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, and the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.

The performance will be followed by an audience meeting.


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