
Concordia- Forte Company & DADOR Project

Concordia- Forte Company & DADOR Project

‘Concordia’ by Forte Company and Dador Project Band is a choreography based on music by classical composers from the Baroque period, such as Francesco Cavalli, Tarquinio Merula, Claudio Monteverdi and Giovanni Battista Fontana. Accompanied by a live orchestra and a singer, the dance performance consists of grotesque and lyrical duets set to 12 pieces of music.  more

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Last event date: Thursday, May 09 2024 7:00PM

‘Concordia, or Harmony of Hearts’, presents agreement and discord, seduction and love-madness through a series of love stories set to recurring bass melodies. Be it a verse song, a rondo-like chorus or a repetitive bass melody, the mixed expression through music, verbal devices and movement is based on repetition. The vocal and instrumental pieces and the dance, which alternate in the structure of the performance, lead the viewer like a creeping plant from darkness to light. The production revolves around the most beautiful lamenti (translated as lament in English) of the Italian early baroque period. The essence of the lament bass lies in the hypnotic repetition of the same notes, and this stubborn return is a symbol of lingering in pain or even joy, represented through spiralling musical arrangements and choreographed stage images.

Performed by Adriána Kalafszky and Dador Projekt Band, István Bari e.h., László Fehér, Janka Forczek, Nóra Földeáki, Barnabás Horkay, Panka Kondákor Ajsa e.h., Márton Pallag, Kristóf Widder 

Directed and choreographed by Csaba Horváth 



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