
The Magic Flute - GG Dance Eger

The Magic Flute - GG Dance Eger

The Magic Flute is a fable-like story, full of twists and turns. It can be analysed separately in its layers, and we have seen it in countless adaptations and interpretations.  more

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Last event date: Saturday, June 01 2024 7:00PM

The Magic Flute is a fable-like story, full of twists and turns. It can be analysed separately in its layers, and we have seen it in countless adaptations and interpretations. 

This time, we’re exploring the stages of growing up, the difficulties of finding a partner, the external and internal contradictions involved, and we’re also highlighting the possible consequences of these obstacles. You can see variations and reflections of different characters on this theme, of course not forgetting the original tale.

Our intention is that the viewers should accompany the heroes through dramatic, humorous and grotesque adventures along the winding paths of detours and trials, and finally, together with them, they will also step out of the chilly gloom of the Night into the life-giving light of the Sun.

Revival director: Tamás Topolánszky Gyula Harangozó Award Winner, érdemes művész 

Set: Tamás Vati

Costumes: Nikolett Bati 

Visual: László Sátori 

Light Designer: József Pető 

Assistant to Choreographer: Attila Emődi

Assistant: Alexandra Kiss 

Stage Manager: Ildikó Hódosi 

Choreographer and directed by Noémi Kulcsár, Gyula Harangozó Award Winner

Our offer

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