
Clown Wanted - Yvette Bozsik Company

Clown Wanted - Yvette Bozsik Company

The performance of the Yvette Bozsik Company that is intended for adults was commissioned by the National Dance Theatre and it is based on the grotesque drama of the world-famous Romanian-French writer Matei Visniec.  more

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, February 18 2024 7:30PM

Two aged, long-neglected clowns arrive for a job interview. Filippo is the louder character, Niccolo is the gentle clown. In the pursuit of success, the bleak waiting room becomes a battlefield first, then an imaginary stage and finally a crime scene. The piece is a great opportunity for the Yvette Bozsik Company to create a grotesque, sad clown performance with its already iconic stylistic marks, starting from a prose piece, taking the form of a dance theatre and combining new impetus and energies, in which we commemorate love and the moments of passing by holding a mirror to ourselves and to the world.

The dance theatre performance, which is based on Visniec’s piece, is staged with dancers Tamás Vati and Yvette Bozsik, with the music written by Philippe Heritier and with the costumes made by Kriszta Berzsenyi, and the dance artists of the Yvette Bozsik Company also appear at an absurd clown banquet. In the play, humour and drama mix with circus elements, clown performance and commedia dell’arte motifs, coloured with acrobatic and lazzi elements. The final result is an absurd transition between humour, drama, theatre, circus and dance.


Performed by

Yvette Bozsik and Tamás Vati


Attila Kalmár, Ádám Zambrzycki, Anna Bujdosó, Milán Maurer, Szabolcs Gombai, Dóra Hasznos, Brigitta Hortobágyi, Samantha Kettle, Dániel Krizsán


Music: Philippe Heritier

Lighting: József Pető

Space: Tamás Vati

Costume: Krisztina Berzsenyi

Creative Producer: Marcell Iványi

Directed and choreographed by Yvette Bozsik

Our offer

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