
The Wind gate

The Wind gate

“… for they were at hand, yet unreacheable, present, yet ungraspable …”
(Krasznahorkai László)

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Last event date: Sunday, September 29 2024 7:00PM

In many cultures, wind is a metaphor for the force that moves the world and man; it is something invisible that is perceived only through its effects. It stirs the physical world into motion, awakens it, destroys it, and makes it regenerate itself.

“Gate of the Wind” is the man himself, a passageway between the outside and the inside, between the world and the individual, between the material and the spiritual world. Wind passes through these worlds, connects and eliminates boundaries, and does not lead anywhere because it is present everywhere.

The performance „Gate of the Wind” is a continuation and a sequel of the issues raised by two preceding productions of Artus, namely „Drip Canon” and „Swarm”:

Where do our thoughts and feelings dwell? In our mind? Heart? Cells? In each other? In the network of our relationships? Or in our actions?

The production relies on movements drawn from Tai Chi Chuan, Shen Dao Kung Fu, and natural gestures derived from these.
Its musical universe is both minimalist and very rich, employing an apparatus that includes a harmonium, wind instruments, song, and human breath – all that makes use of the soft or wild movement and stirring of air.
The scene of the performance, both representing a spiritual and a fine art space, – as it is generally true for Artus – forms one of the fundamental elements of the production this time, too. The space means more than just a mere stage design or actual performance space – space is the content itself.

“Word to brain,
Brain to veins,
Veins to actions,
Actions to space,
Space to existence,
Presence.”                  (Goda Gábor)

Cast and Crew:
Performing artists: Bakó Tamás, Izsák Szilvia, Mayer Zita, Mózes Zoltán, Nagy Csilla, Szalay Henriett
Martial artists: Szalkó Zsuzsa, Szeghalmi Etelka
Musicians: Bartek Zsolt, Philipp György
Production design: Sebestény Ferenc, Goda Gábor
Music Composer: Philipp György
Texts used: Fodor Ákos, Goda Gábor, Krasznahorkai László, Seneca, A.A. Milne
Costume Design: Lőrincz Kriszta, Bodóczky Antal
Creative technique: Papp Gábor, Hajdu Gáspár
Light design, creative collaborator: Kocsis Gábor
Creative collaborators: Nagy Eszter, Zahra Fuladvand
Production manager: Hodován Margit
Production assistant: Fazekas Anna
Special thanks to: Havasi András Tai Chi Chuan és Shen Dao Kung Fu mesternek
Director – choreographer: Goda Gábor

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