


It takes all sorts to make a world. Both Physically and Spiritually.
How well can you spot and accept diversity in you?
Tonight we are going to look at these questions through the steps of tango.

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Thursday, July 18 2024 8:30PM


Tango was born more than a century ago, but it still lives, attracts and thrills. The secret may lie in us: everything around us is changing at a stormy pace, but our basic emotions, our longing for love, passion, human relationships, touch, embrace and harmony are eternal. In tango, only the music and style have changed, the essence has remained, and with its help, these desires and emotions can be brought to the surface for everyone, and can be experienced intensively.

“Only those relationships can be harmonious where both partners are free. The leader is free to lead – and the partner is free to follow. They are both happy. And their dance is amazing. It has everything you need to know about man and woman, male and female, yin and yang, girl and boy. This is how you should live and make love. This is how you should establish a beautiful relationship and marriage. Just like these tango dancers." Péter Müller 

Experience the feelings tango gives you, unwind in it and feel the depth of connection tonight.


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Miként az ember leveti elnyűtt ruháit és újakat ölt magára, úgy adja fel a lélek is az öreg és hasznavehetetlen testeket, hogy újakat fogadjon el helyükbe." - idézet a Bhagavad-gítából

This production of the FrenÁk Company features adynamic team, the members of a new generation. The young, creative dancers draw on the energies of their colourful cultural and linguistic differences as they bring a new creative approach to FrenÁk’s concept. It is a fusion of the arts, a multimedia work with two contrasting yet complementary parts that reflect on the contradictions of our times.

Hinta, hinta, tündérhinta, repül, szárnyal a magasba… Ha az ember hintába ül, rokon lesz a madarakkal, szivárványszín pillangókkal, kitágul a láthatára, a lentet a fent leváltja. Aztán újra ringat a hinta, fel – le – fel -le, ahogy egykor anya karja. Félelmek és szorongások huss eltűnnek, elrepülnek. A tündérhinták táncosokkal nagyon egy húron pendülnek.


„Egy mindenkiért! Mindenki egyért!” – Nincs ismertebb jelmondat a testőrök köszöntésénél!

A Győri Balett a 2017/18-as évadban ismét egy két felvonásos, egész estés balett művel jelentkezik, és nem kevesebbre vállalkozik, mint…

Carmen is the symbol of freedom. Her story is the drama of inextinguishable, uninhibited love.

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