
Maszkabál 2 – Erdei kaland • Győri Balett

Maszkabál 2 – Erdei kaland • Győri Balett

Backpack, snacks, binoculars! Everything is ready for our heroes to discover the forest that they dreamed to the middle of the room and spend exciting moments in the tent they built. Prehistoric man, doctor, pirate and Turkish pashas. Adventure on.  more

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, February 10 2024 11:00AM

The new children's performance by the Ballet Company of Győr features the heroes from Vilmos Gryllus’s album “Fancy Dress Ball” as part of a big common game; this time in the forest. After the performance, we invite the children for a common workout. Recommended age group: 3–10 years


In July 2020, we launched the Kid Dance theatre programme with performances and sessions for the 0-6 age group as an extension to the Youth for Youth programme. As an innovation, the Ballet Company of Győr would like to involve the infant-baby age group in its art at the early stages of their perception and motor development, through movement sessions and special performance series. It is important that this genre is not a time filler for the little ones, but it conveys values, only in a different “language”. With our baby theatre dance performances, we would like to build on experiences that also appear in the everyday lives of the little ones. Performances held so far: Kippkopp and Tipptopp, Kippkopp's Christmas, Fancy Dress Ball, Max and Móric.

Assistant: Judit Szalai 

Set, props: Lajos Katavics, Ibolya Váray Mokka Stúdió

Music: Vilmos Gryllus 

Dramaturgy and choreography by Alexandra Csepi 

Choreographed by László Velekei Seregi- és Harangozó-díjas, Érdemes művész

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