
Circle Dance - Hungarian State Folk Ensemble - House of Traditions

Circle Dance - Hungarian State Folk Ensemble - House of Traditions

The performanceof the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble was created in memory of the Trianon peace treaty that was signed a hundred years ago.  more

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Friday, February 16 2024 7:00PM

Inspired by the folklore of the Hungarians of the Carpathian Basin and the nationalities living in a community of fate with them (Romanians, Slovaks, Serbs and Croats, Swabians, Rusyns, Jews and Gypsies), the anthology-style selection tours and dances around the Highlands, Transcarpathia, Transylvania, the Southern Parts and "Little Hungary". Believing in the unquestionable reality of togetherness, it presents the peasant heritage and the unparalleled cultural and spiritual assets bequeathed to us by the millennial coexistence as a wide-ranging panorama.

Performed by the dancers and musicians of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, Participating as Guests

Soloists: Pál Eszter, Hetényi Milán

Guest Participant: KOLO Band

Music Editor: Gergely Agócs, Attila Gera, László Kelemen, István Szalonna Pál

Composer: László Kelemen 

Choreographers: Dezső Fitos, Rita Furik, Enikő Kocsis, Richárd Kökény, Gábor Mihályi, Mihály Richtarcsik 

Director of the Band: Ferenc Radics 

Dance Director: György Ágfalvi 

Assistants to Dance Director: Beatrix Borbély, Katalin Jávor, Máté Farkas, ifj. Zoltán Zsuráfszky

Artistic Director: István Szalonna Pál



Director and choreographer, Company Director: Gábor Mihályi 

Our offer

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long: Yeonhee project I : Traditional performance & modern dance Performers/dancers wear objects such as traditional percussion instruments as accessories and transform traditional elements when they come and go in a long space where street play is transformed. The audience faces both sides of the runway, actively appreciating the crossing of boundaries between tradition and modernity, performance and dance. It is a performance that reconstructs the Korean identity starting from tradition by repeating dissolution and reunion with clean static energy, repetition and reduction, slowness and void.

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