
At the Marketplace of Kolozsvár - Hungarian State Folk Ensemble

At the Marketplace of Kolozsvár - Hungarian State Folk Ensemble

Nowadays shopping centers seem to take their place, but market places used to play a central role in everyday life in each and every town, and Kolozsvár (today called Cluj-Napoca) was no different. Farmers sold their fresh vegetables, milk and butter, their services, and their animals here.  more

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Friday, March 01 2024 5:00PM

Future husbands met their future wives, and everybody gossiped or just listened to the latest news.

For the 10th anniversary of the Hungarian Cultural Days of Cluj, the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble created the atmosphere of this imaginary market place on the stage. The piece cannot paint a full picture, but definitely inspires historical musings using the poetic language of folk dance and folk music.


Performed by the dancers and musicians of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, Participating as Guests

Soloists: Júlia Kubinyi, Milán Hetényi

Tale-teller: Pálffy Zoárd

Music: László Kelemen, István Pál Szalonna

Music Director: Tamás Nyitrai

Director of the Band: Ferenc Radics

Dance Troup Leader: György Ágfalvi

Dance Troupe Assistants: Beatrix Borbély, Katalin Jávor, Máté Farkas, Zoltán Zsuráfszky Jr.

Choreographed by György Ágfalvi, Richárd Kökény, Gábor Mihályi

Visuals: Kornél Papp

Directed and choreographed by Gábor Mihályi

Artistic Director: István Pál Szalonna

Ensemble Director: Gábor Mihály


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