
KÓCBABA - Interaktív táncmese Halász Judit zenéjére • Közép-Európa Táncszínház

KÓCBABA - Interaktív táncmese Halász Judit zenéjére • Közép-Európa Táncszínház

Inspired by the songs of Kossuth and Jászai Mari Prize winner Judit Halász, the performance of the Central Europe Dance Theatre company is aimed at preschoolers and young school children.  more

Current events

The production brings to life the far-famed Tow Doll, who takes a little boy and a little girl on exciting adventures. The story features the title song, alongside classics such as Dancing Monks, Marci’s Getting Dressed and Dragonfly. Merry songs, agile dancers, and games to play with the little ones – there’s plenty of fun to be had at the National Dance Theatre! 



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