
Carmen- Ballet Pécs

Carmen- Ballet Pécs

Carmen is the symbol of freedom. Her story is the drama of inextinguishable, uninhibited love.  more

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Last event date: Thursday, May 16 2024 7:00PM

"Carmen's story, the characters' world of extreme emotions and Bizet's music is very powerful and inspiring. For me, the main inspiration comes from the sharp shifts between the story and the music. I find the characters' unpredictability and their explosive tempers, which are the result of their overwhelmed emotions, intriguing. How is it possible to be thrown to the edge of madness from a state of idyllic harmony from one moment to the next? How is it possible for passion to take completely over from rationality? Where does the primeval force that drives them to tragedy originate? Why is it impossible to fight it? Where are the boundaries between love, passion and possession? Is passionate love basically a state of madness? This is a fantastic opportunity for the depiction of Carmen's sensuality and for interpreting the wild swings of her feelings through dance. The greatest challenge for the artist and the dancer, I believe, is the formation of Don José's complex character, and bringing to life the changes of his character. For me, he is the central figure and the real drama is his. He is a straightforward, honest, pure-hearted man, whose character is turned completely inside out by the obsessive love he feels for Carmen. His honesty is defeated by his passion, until it drives him so mad, that he commits the gravest crime by taking Carmen's life since she would not be his. Don José's internal battle is a passionate man-drama. This is what I wish to depict on stage.”

Balázs Vincze

Performed by 

Carmen: Karin Iwata

Don José: Márton Szabó 

Escamillo: José Blasco Pastor

Micaela: Edina Frank 

Zuniga: Dávid Matola 


And: Réka Annamária Horváth, Rebeka Pintér, Nina Rónaki, Reetta Riikonen, Csongor Balogh, Kristóf Domján, Zsolt Molnár Gyula Harangozó Award, Bence Szendrői, Szilárd Tuboly, Máté Varga 


Composers: G. Bizet - R. Scsedrin, Richárd Riederauer 

Dramaturgy: Dóra Uhrik, György Böhm

Set and costume design: Zsuzsa Molnár

Rehearsal Instructor: Zsolt Molnár

Assistant to Choreographer: Tünde Czebe


Directed and choreographed by Balázs Vincze

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