
Budapesti bemutató - Szentivánéji álom • Kecskemét City Balett - Kecskeméti Katona József Nemzeti Sz

Budapesti bemutató - Szentivánéji álom • Kecskemét City Balett - Kecskeméti Katona József Nemzeti Sz

“Dost thou take this for a Tragedy? Thou shalt take it as a Comedy, and it shalt amuse thou.” With these lines from his drama, Imre Madách might as well have been referring to scenes from A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  more

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Last event date: Sunday, December 10 2023 7:00PM

Shakespeare’s enigmatic play abounds in ambiguous situations, which can only be seen as sad or cheerful depending on your point of view. A brilliant theatrical mind, Shakespeare is not only a great poet but also knows everything there is to know about human nature. He sees our lives as at once beautiful and ugly, poetic and vulgar, dramatic and comic, sublime and petty, pitiful and ridiculous. He depicts humans and fairies, squabbling princes and striving craftsmen, happy and unhappy lovers, lonely elves and tangled couples, showing their current sorrows and joys. One thing they all have in common is that they are all seeking happiness in the Athenian forest on this magical midsummer night. Some succeed, others less so. But they never give up – they search for happiness as long as they can. Often they find themselves in ridiculous situations, which of course they see as tragic until a new morning dawns, and in broad daylight every success and failure shows a different face from the one it did in the dark of night. The troubles are no longer so dramatic, the problems are no longer so insoluble, and they can once again take heart from themselves and each other. But most of all, we can laugh with the characters at ourselves, because they are really us, and we realise that the point is, “Life is beautiful... Do I need to explain?”

Performed by Kecskemét City Balett 

Puck - Nikolett Nagy 

Demetrius, suitor to Hermia - MIlán Földesi 

Heléna,in love with Demetrius - Laura Gömöri 

Lysander, in love with Hermia - László Pavleszek 

Hermia, daughter of Egeus, in love with Lysander - Jusztina Bakonyi 

Oberon King of the Fairies - Martin Raj 

Titánia tQueen of the Fairies - Lotti Varga 

Theseus Duke of Athens- Norbert Szigethy 

Hyppolita Queen of the Amazons - Luca Hoffmann 

Zuboly - Rancz Illés 

Egéus, Indian changelin: Málna Csató 

Fairies: Tícia Szonja Weisz, Mála Csató 

Craftsmen - István Takács, Illés Rancz 


Music: Henry Purcell 

Sound: Pál Kocsis  m. v. 

Set - costume Designer: Ildikó Tihanyi  

Light Designer and Assistants to Choreographer: Zoltán Katonka  

Consultant: Attila Galambos, Tamás Szabó 

Assistant Director: Szabina Murár 

Directed and choreographed by Dóra Barta 

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