
Premier - Bits and Pieces - Joe Alegado&Guests

Premier - Bits and Pieces - Joe Alegado&Guests

Bits and Pieces is a collection of short dance works - solos, duos, trios - created by Joe Alegado with contributions from the guest dancers themselves. All creations are being constructed with the intention of bringing focus to the relationship between the creative output of the last 52 years, to the primary tools used as inspiration throughout that period of…  more

Current events

The generations who have intersected with Alegado’s trajectory in dance have been many yet, there are two individuals who stand out - one, Katarina Vlnieskova, who was one of the pioneers in the beginning of his movement language research, and the other, Blanka Flora Csasznyi, who has been an integral part of the formative and developmental stages of Shifting Roots - the Alegado Movement Language.

Both of these artists embody the true spirit and nature of Alegado’s movement language and all he wishes to express through his pedagogical work in the classroom, as well as his creations for the stage.


Performed by Vlnieškova Katarina, Blanka Flóra Csasznyi , Joe Alegado
Music: montazs
Concept: Joe Alegado

The performance will be followed by an audience meeting.


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