
B A B E L - Eva Duda Dance Company

B A B E L - Eva Duda Dance Company

Humanity has grown too distant from its original, natural environment. While we yearn for a more harmonious existence, we are surrounded by more and more chaos every day, making it increasingly difficult to find our way around and live a healthy life.  more

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Last event date: Sunday, October 20 2024 7:00PM

The production BABEL seeks to capture the emotional state of individuals and communities facing the social challenges of the 21st century. In many ways, our personalexperience of the ‘Babel of confusion’ is very similar, because wherever we are in the world, we feel and relate to the most important human emotions in almost the same way. In any community, our personal bonds, loving connections, particular beliefs, traditions and customs are the most important factors in living together. People are often motivated by good intentions, most of them are not keen on wars, nor do they want to see the planet devoured or the living world destroyed. Yet it’s happening. It is happening all around us, and it’s creating enormous confusion.

BABEL does not tell a story, but depicts an eclecticworld with expressive images and moments, with self-irony and humour, in which people are constantly striving towards a lost state of equilibrium, caught between poles of chaos and conflicting emotions. The desire for harmony is clearly evident even in the upended worldview. The performance depicts the tension between balance and chaos through the contrasting aesthetic qualities of movement, music, and visual effects.


Featuring artists from the Eva Duda Dance Company
Guest artists: Katalin Lőrinc, Tibor Kováts
Music: Dávid Konsiczky, montázs
Costumes: Krisztina Remete
Visuals Designer: Balázs Fügedi
Light Designer: József Pető
Assistant to Choreographer: Beatrix Csák
Production Manager: Orsolya Vitárius
Company Manager: Anita Vodál
Director and Choreographer: Éva Duda, Gyula Harangozó Awarded Artist

The performance contains stroboscopic effects.

Our offer

What we present is not the story of Kahlo’s life but an independent visual theatre vision inspired by her art and career about a dramatic but also colourful and lively world.

Egy különleges utazásra invitáljuk nézőinket nemzetközi koreográfusaink vezetésével.

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