
Agora II. • Gangaray Dance Company

Agora II. • Gangaray Dance Company

“Resurrection is not only a celebration for believers, but for all people. Yours, too. You can realize that you’re stronger than death, and what the Greek word “anástasis” means: “to get back on your feet”. You have the strength, the strength of Life to get back on your feet.  more

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Last event date: Sunday, April 24 2022 7:00PM

Agora II. • Gangaray Dance Company
contemporary ballet 40 minutes in 1 act

Gangaray Dance Company was established in 2004, with József Hámor choreographer as art director. The ensemble puts dance in the forefront and operates on a project basis. They have won the prize for best choreography at numerous festivals. The best expressions to describe the ensemble are “rhythmic elegance”, “illustrating energy bending”, and “composing dimensions”. The choreographer leading the company is in possession of a unique language of movement that requires high technical ability, dynamism, precision, suggestive delivery and outstanding rhythm. Quality contemporary dance plays the main role in all his pieces. He focuses on the diversity of the body and the interplay between music and space. This way of expression, which is devoid of all narratives, wishes to focus on the expressing force of gestures, taking the audience to a different world. The momentum of the company’s rebirth is fueled by the energy of new dancers. This is reflected in the subtitle of the second part of the AGORA trilogy: Resurrection.

Performed by Réka Albert, Boglárka Bali, Krisztina Baumgartner, Zsófia Fekete, Enikő Kovács, Tímea Kinga Maday, Kornélia Mangi, Zsófia Széki, Laura Tóth

Composer and Lighting Designer: József Hámor
Costume Designer: Tímea Kinga Maday
Technician: József Pető
Directed and choreographed by József Hámor

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