
The Village - Dezső Fitos Folkdance Company

The Village - Dezső Fitos Folkdance Company

Our roots go deep. The closed and traditional village community has allied itself with nature, to which it is bound by unbreakable ties. In this community, there was a time for singing, dancing, birth and death... Giant children looked out over the world from the shoulders of their fathers and grandfathers.

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, July 13 2024 8:30PM

It is with their help that we want to convey this ancient knowledge through dance and music. We believe in the contemporary relevance of folk dance, in its power and naturalness to speak to the people of today, and in its ability to express the widest range of emotions and to evoke theatre.


Director-choreographer: Enikő Kocsis, Harangozó Gyula-díjas, Dezső Fitos Népművészet Ifjú Mestere és Harangozó Gyula-díjas, érdemes művész
Music: Pálházi Bence Bandája
Participating from recordings: Mihály Dresch, György Ferenczi
Creator: Szentendre Néptáncegyüttes

Our offer

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